
U12 Division

Welcome to the 2023/24 Ringette Season with NCRA!

A short summary for those new to the sport or new to the divisions: Our U10 and U12 divisions are made of balanced teams that participate in weekly practices along with Central Region Ringette League (CRRL) organized full-ice games.  U10 division is the first division to move games to the full ice surface.  Players are introduced to positions, start learning some strategy, and work on their skating skills and stick skills. Those skills are then built on at U12; which is the last division before tiering/competitive divisions begin.  Teams are formed at the start of the season based on an assessment process held in September.  Players are assessed on various skills (UAA's Universal Athlete Assessments, stations that can use a timer), and then are grouped for scrimmages to ensure we are creating balanced teams for the season.

Once teams are formed, players and families can expect to get all their communication and scheduling through their Head Coach or Team Manager.  There is usually team fundraising, team-building events and home/away tournaments.  Parents will have an information meeting at the start with their Head Coach.  There will be many opportunities to volunteer - we encourage you to, regardless of level of Ringette knowledge!  Get involved and learn our great sport!  Teams will have a budget, in addition to your registration fees.  All players will be responsible for their portion of the budget "Players Account".  Besides team fundraising, players will have the opportunity to raise funds through the NCRA 50/50 program and sponsorships.  Teams will also include 'dryland' training opportunities like gym ringette, or association-led skating development programming.  All of this information, and more, will come through your team staff (Manager or Head Coach).

Regular season play with CRRL starts in October and runs through the end of February.  Practices, provincials and maybe even an away tournament will round out the season end throughout March. NCRA sometimes offers skating and skill sessions and opportunities separate from the team throughout the season.  Keep an eye out for any program announcements.


Upcoming Games

NC U12 #1 - Foley @ Berwick

Sun, Jan. 19, 2025 9:15 AM - 10:15 PM

RBC Centre - Rink A

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