*Ice times may change.
Please ensure you are always looking at the most up-to-date schedule and checking NCRA communications regularly.
ATHLETE GROUPINGS Updated - Sept 12, 2024
Parents/spectators are requested to remain outside of the evaluation area and/or rinks (depending on the facility) during all NCRA evaluations/assessments.
This decision aligns with the other local ringette associations. Please note that you may find a volunteer asking you to leave an area should this request not be respected.
U10 UAA (Universal Athlete Assessment)
GROUP 1: Sept 8th - 9:30am @ GEC (formerly HRM4Pad)
GROUP 2: Sept 8th - 10:30am @ GEC (formerly HRM4Pad)
Sept 15th - 10:00am @ GEC (formerly HRM4Pad)
Scrim #2
GEC 22 Sep @ 10:00am
U12 UAA (Universal Athlete Assessment)
GROUP 1: Sept 8th - 11:30am @ GEC (formerly HRM4Pad)
GROUP 2: Sept 8th - 2:15pm @ GEC (formerly HRM4Pad)
GROUP 3: Sept 8th - 3:15pm @ GEC (formerly HRM4Pad)
Sept 15th - Team 1 vs Team 2 - 11:00am @ GEC (formerly HRM4Pad)
Sept 15th - Team 3 vs Team 4 - 12:00pm @ GEC (formerly HRM4Pad)
Scrim #2
Team 1 GEC 18 Sep @ 6:15pm
Team 2. GEC 21 Sep @ 2:15pm
Team 3. GEC 18 Sep @ 6:15pm
Team 4 GEC 21 Sep @ 2:15pm